Oceania Cruises: Experience Enhanced Wellness

Oceania Cruises has completely reinvented the concept of wellness, particularly wellness at sea. As you take time for yourself onboard these luxurious ships, you can also take your wellness journey further than ever before. In addition to the essential spa treatments and exercise classes, Oceania Cruises has incorporated wellness into just about every aspect of the cruising experience – from the food to the shore excursions. The result is a relaxed, revitalized body, mind and soul.


TitleCruise LineShipNightsSailing DatePrice FromOffer ID
15-night Gilded Eastern Kingdoms VoyageOceania CruisesRegatta15

Cruise fares shown are the lowest available nationwide non-past-passenger fare. Other fares, which may be lower and/or include restrictions, may be available. Please view the full offer for complete details.